About Viki
Viki Luxe has grown up with droids and dragons, Wookiees and wizards, Vulcans and Jedi, hobbits and muggles, and might have graduated from Unseen University had they been accepting girls.
Viki’s stories combine heart and heat, focusing on the couple growing and working together.
Sweet, sugar, spice, & steam.
Cheating or breakups
Happily Ever After
I like butter pecan lattes more than pumpkin spice. Cold coffee should not be a thing unless it’s a flavor of ice cream. Pineapple absolutely goes on pizza.
If you’re still reading, one of three things: we’re now friends! or we’re enemies! or you’re here to find out if I’m still typing on those stories I claimed to be writing on the home page.
If we’re friends: welcome friend!
If we’re enemies: welcome enemy! (Though I’m still right. My tastebuds wouldn’t lie to me!)
If you’re here for more: honey, so am I!
I am a slow writer. I had plans, grand plans! Plans to get books out every three months. But, like with everyone, life decided to show no quarter, take no prisoners, and unleash a full-on broadside, smashing those plans to smithereens. BUT THINGS ARE IN THE WORKS.
Confession Part Deux
I’m also very bad at things like… social media. No plans for a newsletter currently. If you’d like to find out about releases, please check here or my Facebook or Instagram pages.
Thank you for Reading!
Every time you pick up a book, you’re mind-melding with the person who wrote it. Each turn of a page, you’re helping weave magic. When you read my stories, I hope that you’re transported and entertained, but thank you for taking that chance.
These stars are for you!